Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to cancel The Glory Years event this year.
Please stay healthy and safe…

Between 1990 and 1993, Jim Kelly led the Buffalo Bills to four consecutive Super Bowls, a feat that has not since been matched.
Join Jim as he relives the glory years by sharing clips from the infamous four Super Bowl appearances and telling behind the scene stories and details you’ve never heard before.
Funds raised will benefit the Hunter’s Hope Foundation for the University of Rochester Leukodystrophy Care Network (LCN) Center at Golisano Children’s Hospital.
If your organization is interested in the Presenting Sponsor Opportunity for the 2020 Jim Kelly – Glory Years event, please contact Hunter’s Hope at 716-667-1200.
*We are in the process of determining whether this will be an in-person or virtual event. We will update the website and send out an email once a decision has been made.