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At age 13 months, Tenley started regressing with her milestones and had an MRI done. It showed a small amount of damage to the white matter in her brain. On September 15, 2011, she was diagnosed under the umbrella of CP. Tenley continued to show regression. Tenley had another MRI done which showed a significant more amount of damage to her white matter. On November 11, 2011, at 18 months old, Tenley was diagnosed with Krabbe Leukodystrophy. Tenley’s life expectancy was 2; Tenley surpassed her life expectancy by 5 years. On October 30, 2017, at age 7 1/2 yrs old, Tenley completed her Krabbe fight. Tenley had a fulfilling short 7 1/2 years of life, and left a legacy with her contagious smile.

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