
Krabbe Newborn Screening Publications

Positive Screen?

Hunter’s Hope is committed to ensuring that all infants with a positive screen for Krabbe Disease have the best possible outcomes. We are proud to partner with a group of NBS and Krabbe Disease experts to make continual advancements for Krabbe NBS.

Leukodystrophy Publications & Videos

The Leukodystrophy Publications and Videos section of our website includes valuable information developed through the LCN and shared at Hunter’s Hope meetings

Krabbe NBS – A Family Guide

Learning your child received a positive newborn screening result can be scary and overwhelming. Although there is a lot of information to take in and process, this guide is here for you to use at your own pace. Our aim is to provide you with key information about Krabbe disease and newborn screening and to… Read more »

NBS Fact Sheet – Oklahoma

Saving Children’s Lives in Oklahoma through Timely, Equitable Access to Newborn Screening. Featuring the Abner Family.

LOKD NBS Guidelines

Later Onset Krabbe Disease(LOKD) Consensus recommendations for the classification and long-term follow up of infants who screen positive for Krabbe Disease.