Lord, You see my tears.
Help me to remember that it’s okay to cry.
I don’t always have to be strong.
I don’t have to hide my pain from You.
Sometimes I just want to cry.
Sometimes I can’t stop crying.
Thank You for tears.
Thank You for giving us a way to express our deepest emotions.
I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t release the pain in my heart.
Your Word says that You collect our tears in a bottle.
Thank You, Lord.
It brings me great comfort to know You care about me.
You care enough about my pain to gather my tears.
Although I must admit it seems impossible, You are the God of the impossible.
You said it and I choose to believe it.
Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to pour out my heart before You.
You can be trusted.
Not a single tear is wasted.
Thank You, Lord.