With all that’s going on right now, it would be easy for me to focus on the trials at hand, but I don’t want to do that. When I focus on the circumstances, I take my eyes off
You. Lord, please help me to fix my eyes on You alone.
There is no possible way I can figure it all out.
No matter how hard I try to fix everything, I can’t do it.
The more obsessed I am about making sense of it all, the more anxious and troubled my heart becomes.
I waste so much time trying to take matters into my own hands. I overanalyze everything and ponder more than my mind can handle. I feel out of control if I can’t control the circumstances
around me, even the people around me.
I’m exhausted.
Lord, free me from the need for answers.
Help me to surrender.
Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd.
In Your Name alone do I find everything I need and all that I long for!
You hold the keys of life and the purpose of Your heart prevails.
Creator of All – You have it all figured out.
Jesus, forgive me for trying to take on what only You can handle.
Be my focus.
You are the answer.
It’s all about You.