The Comfort Booklet was written by families who have lost a child or have a child with a serious illness, who have been comforted by our Lord Jesus Christ, and with that comfort desire to comfort others through Christ. They have graciously shared their hearts.
Please look for a message from the Booklet on our social media every Tuesday.
May God comfort you…
Available here.
It has been almost 16 years since my son, Hunter left this earth for his heavenly home. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday when we said, “goodbye”. Sometimes it feels like a thousand years. I guess that’s the ebb and flow of grief. I’m not really sure, but…
Read more hereHow Long?
I’ve been waiting for what seems like an eternity to receive the answer to this desperate cry.
Read more hereThe Valley
I have lived through my worst nightmare. Truth be told, my nightmares never even came close to the reality of watching my son suffer through a terminal disease.
Read more hereOur Jackson, Our Story
Our Jackson was born a beautiful and healthy baby boy. Full term, no complications. So as new parents of a perfectly healthy baby, when we started to notice unusual behaviors 5 months later, we naturally assumed this must be a result of simple childhood illnesses.
Read more hereAnna
When our daughter, Anna, was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease, it felt like all of my months of parenting experience completely went out the window.
Read more hereStrong and Courageous
As parents, we just dive in and do our absolute best in providing the ultimate care for our child’s medical needs.
Read more hereChrist in The Journey
You are not alone.
I wish I could be there to hold your hand and listen. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, pray with you and tell you it will be alright and that I understand.
Read more hereThe Promise of Eternity
I was mesmerized when I first laid eyes on Tori. My heart was burst-ing with joy and pride as I admired her beautiful features and praised God for her health. Never did it occur to me that her time with us would possibly be short.
Read more hereLetting Go of "Why?"
My son Dylan died 12 years ago today (January 6th). Dylan was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease when he was 8 months old, and he lived to be almost 5 years old. During that four-year period, I railed at God. I was angry. Why?
Read more hereGoodbye For Now
April 29th, 1997, was a warm spring day that brought sunshine and hope for warmer days to come. How could I have ever imagined I would have to say, “Goodbye for now,” to our dear sweet Benjamin, our baby son who was just 6 1/2 weeks old and was taken from us in a horrific auto accident in which I was the driver and our two eldest children survived?
Read more hereThe Lord Provides
I’m sure this finds you in the trenches of unbearable pain that feels like you’re drowning over and over again, without any hope of com-ing up for air.
Read more hereNow I See
It was a beautiful summer day in 1996, when I looked up to the endless blue sky, wondering if this life I was living was all there was.
Read more hereJody
From the time our daughter, Jody, was diagnosed at nearly the age of two until her last breath, I knew that the future of our family would be devastating, incomprehensible and uncertain.
Read more hereHe Chose Me
How did I become a mom to not just one angel… But two angels?
I have asked that question so many times over the years.
God Feels Absent
In the darkness of Judson’s disease and in his passing, there were many times I felt as though God was absent and my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling of our home, falling on deaf or distant ears.
Read more hereHe Will Carry You
Have you ever read the poem that ends with this… “He whispered, ‘My precious child, I love you and will never leave you; never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of foot-prints, it was then that I carried you.’”?
Read more here